Sports Teams

UTU Beaver Hunters

UTU Beaver Hunters is the American football team of the University of Turku and Turku School of Economics. Beaver Hunters participates in the Finnish College Football League and plays against other Universities in Finland. You don’t have to have a background in American football or in other sports to join the team. If you might be interested in playing football next season please come to the practice to check out if this is a sport for you!


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FC KY-Sport

Economics students trying to be football players since 2013. If you have a passion for the game and preferably a history in it too, you just might be our next signing! We don’t take it too seriously but losing isn’t an option.


KY-Jets is the legendary ice hockey team of Turku School of Economics. The home of the team is Marli Arena in Kupittaa where the team practices once a week and plays the games during hockey season. KY-Jets has players from different backgrounds so you don’t have to be the next Wayne Gretzky to join the team.


KY-sHooters is the women’s basketball team of TSE and we’ll start our second season in the fall playing women’s 3rd division. Come check us out in games and don’t be afraid to join us in practice once a week. There’s always room for more good players!