TSE-list is a council group representing students from TSE – both Turku and Pori campuses.
You can find more information on council from TYY’s website.
For TSE-list important values are responsible decision-making, rational economy and high-quality education at University of Turku. We have highlighted issues concerning employment of students and recent graduates (both local and internationa students), position of international students in the University community, high-quality services for sub-organizations, and finally couraged the Student Union TYY to be pioneer in its own field. We are also ensuring quality recruitments to different positions of trust both in the Student Union and at the University, as well as helping and encouraging students of TSE to apply to these positions.
At the General Assembly of National Union of University Students in Finland TSE-list representatives act as part of Kylterihuone (Business Students) together with business students from Helsinki (Aalto Biz and Hanken) and Tampere (University of Tampere).