Hello student. Do you enjoy wine? Are you intrested in unique events while having fun in interdisciplinary company? Would you like to travel abroad to enjoy local wines? In Turun Akateeminen Wiiniklubi everything listed is possible to experience.
It doesn’t matter if you enjoy the cheapest wines from Alko or that you have filled condos storage with only premium wines. You’re still more than welcome to attend our events. No prior knowledge about wines is necessary. Only thing needed is ability to have fun. You will also get a chance to peek into the world of quality wines and the secrets of wine tasting.
Follow us on Instagram @Wiiniklubi so that you won’t miss our events. You’ll be able to join us from there with measly fee of 7€. Our instagram is also a great place to find our amazing membership benefits. Glad you’re here and let’s meet at our events!