Turun KY
The office of TuKY is located on the ground floor of the Turku School of Economics, in the corridor between Monttu and Mercatori. From the office, you can ask questions about TuKY. The office is open during the Operations Director’s on-call time. If you have questions about TuKY, you can contact the Executive Director who you can reach by e-mail outside the on-call time.
Aliisa Mäkinen
Executive Director
040 021 6721
The Office of Turun KY
Posti- ja käyntiosoite:
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, 20500 Turku
02 3339703
Parkki / The Office of Profea Oy
Parkinkatu 6 20500 Turku
Bar Monttu
Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 20500 Turku