One of the best things about Turku is its vibrant and diverse student life. From week to week, the streets of Turku are decorated with a wide variety of different coloured overalls. The blue overalls of TuKY are one of these splashes of colour on the streets, as our association makes sure that there are events and things to do for every student all year round. I am proud to introduce the leisure committee of TuKY, which acts as a guiding light for our association’s event production – the Committee of External Affairs, or better known in Finnish – Ulkkis!
Ulkkis allows *you* to have the most memorable experiences of your student life, as well as the chance to put your mind at ease about schoolwork and exams. Ulkkis is the largest of the TuKY’s committees and organises up to 20 events during the year for the enjoyment of members of TuKY. Our events include the constantly growing PeIsKä cruise, the slightly more sophisticated Pikkumustat Pikkujoulut (Little Black Pre-Christmas) and the final event of TuKY’s May Day -period – Sikawappu (Pig’s May Day). We mainly organise events for our members, but as the name suggests, Ulkkis’ mission is also to promote cooperation between student organisations by organising interdisciplinary events. Every year we work together with the business students of Åbo Akademi, as well as with the law and medical students of Turku. Our activities are not only limited to Turku – we also travel to other cities to participate their event offering.
Our events offer great opportunities to meet new people and experience new things, so it’s worth taking the plunge right from the start! During the first few weeks you can already get to know the activities of Ulkkis, for example at Pupuinfo -event organised together with KY-Sport and at the legendary Kiertikset, where you can party and raid in Föli buses around Turku!
Keep these binoculars in mind! Follow us in our socials (Facebook, Instagram and TikTok @Ulkkis) to get a taste of the kind of activities our section enables, and to stay up to date with important info.
Congratulations on joining our luminous community and welcome to Ulkkis events!
”You can’t just make up these stories”

Ulkkis 2025 Board
Emma Torniainen
Chairman, Responsible for Extracurricular Activities
Riku Partanen
Vice Chair
Henna Lahti
AD (Art Director)
Mikael Lonka
Matias Sjöroos
Communications Manager
Saku Kiiski
Stakeholder Manager
Mikko Prieur
Tiina Tran
Marketing Manager
Helmi Kojonen
Corporate Relations Manager