What is TuKY?
The Association of Economics Students in Turku, also known as TuKY, was born in 1950 when a group of students from the recently founded Turku School of Economics gathered together to discuss forming a student board. As a result of this meeting a board of students was formed on October 12th, 1950. The insignia of both the former student board and the current association is a combination of the snake-staff of Mercury, the god of commerce, and the gothic letter A that is also present on the insignia of the city of Turku. TuKY got its own flag in 1953 and our own hat pin first saw use in 1966. Students of the Turku School of Economics still use these same symbols, which differ greatly from the symbols of the rest of the university.
In the late 1950’s the characteristic term ”bunny”, which refers to a first-year student in Turku School of Economics, was taken into use. In the fall of 1953 the student board received a 30 m2 space from the basement of the schoolhouse at Aurakatu. Due to its location and rather uninviting appearance, this space was named the Pit (Monttu). Monttu received a new space from Rehtorinpellonkatu when TSE moved to its current accomodations in 1959. Monttu is one of the oldest night clubs in Finland and it has seen continous bar use since the 50’s. After a couple decades of fundraising, the student board bought its very own house from Parkinkatu 6. The original Parkki, being in very bad shape, was torn down in the early 2000’s and the new, current Parkki was built.
The Turku School of Economics went through a couple of discussions about merging with University of Turku at the end of the last millenium. The final merge happened at the turn of the year in 2010, when the student boards of Turku School of Economics and the University of Turku merged, creating the new student board of the University of Turku. TuKY continued existing after this merge as an association under the name of The Association of Economics Students in Turku, continuing to focus on the wellbeing of its members as well as promoting the interests of said members. What sets us apart from other student associations are our long traditions as a student board as well as our communal spirit that has formed through decades of activity.

About us
The Association of Economics Students in Turku is the association for economics students studying in the Turku School of Economics. The goal of the association is to act as a bond between economics students in TSE, promote their interests and offer unforgettable and colourful experiences in the lives of students. The Association of Economics Students in Turku was formed to continue the activities and traditions of the Student Board of the Turku School of Economics after the merge of TSE and the University of Turku. TuKY has continued to be one of the largest and the most active of all student organizations, even after the merge.
TuKY is a registered organization and the highest power in the organization is used by its members in meetings, which are held both in the spring and fall and whenever the situation calls for it. The fall meeting of the association is used to select a board for The Student Association of Economics Students in Turku, which is responsible for the activities of the association. Assisting the board are also paid personnel, such as the head of operations, the head of finance, the head of marketing and sales, as well as numerous other operators.
The Activities of TuKY
The varied activities of TuKY are mainly organized by the numerous chapters that operate under TuKY, as well as by other operating groups and operators associated with TuKY. Ulkkis, NESU, Kulttis, KY-Sport, EVA and CIA organize a huge variety of different activites, guaranteed to fit all tastes. All are welcome to join in on the activites organized by TuKY, its chapters or operating groups associated with TuKY.
Chapters are a part of TuKY and the chairmen/women of the chapters are also members of the board of TuKY. Operating groups consist of different kinds of subject and hobby clubs that are independent registered associations and have decided to join TuKY’s operating group register. Hundreds of economics students take part in TuKY activities through chapters and operating groups.
Turun kauppatieteiden ylioppilaat ry

Jenny Sääksi
Chair of the Board

Anton Martti
Vice Chair of the Board

Anna Immo

Ossi Ryynänen
Property Manager

Robert Vehma
Educational Policy

Ida Hartikainen
Social Policy (Tutoring)

Miro Ikäheimonen

Aada Rehnberg
Culture and Traditions

Sara Korpineva

Siiri Tella
Extra-curricular Activities

Martta Iso-Kuortti
Paid personnel

Minttu Agarth
Executive Director
045 698 3409
The executive director is one of the paid personnel of TuKY. The executive director works at the TuKY office, where she directs the day-to-day operations of TuKY, helps members with issues related to TuKY and serves as an aide to the board. The executive director is the person to go to for renting lockers from the halls of TSE and to get your membership tag for your student card. You can reach the executive director at the TuKY office during office hours.

Milla Riikonen
Director of Finance
045 134 5974
The director of finance is a paid employee who is responsible for managing the day-to-day finances of TuKY while also acting as the secretary of the Board of Finance.

Joni Talvinen
Sales Manager

Essi Paasonen
Bar Manager
040 737 1836
The bar manager is a paid employee who is responsible for Bar Monttu. His tasks include working as manager, doing orders for the bar and developing new concepts with the property manager.
Positions of Trust

Leevi Vesanen
Chairman of the Financial Commitee
Suvi Ahonen & Olivia Vilhonen
Hosts of the Annual Ball
Samuli Tähtinen
Pikkulaskiainen Executive Producer
Organizational chart

Turun KY’s members and general meetings
The highest power in TuKY is wielded by its members, who elect the board of directors annually in the Fall’s general meeting. All significant decisions regarding the association are decided in these meetings, where all members have the right to attend, to speak and to vote. In addition, honorary and alumni members also have the right to attend and to speak in the assemblies.
The board
The board handles the running errands of TuKY and is responsible for overseeing that the operations of the association match the operational plan that is accepted in the assemblies. Each member of the board has his/her own sector to manage. At the time of writing, the board consists of 11 members and is headed by the chairperson of the board.
Expert institutions
Expert institutions are actors outside of the board of directors. Their role is to support the board in other sectors.
Committees are a part of TuKY and handle the most visible part of the operations of TuKY. The activities of the committees range from recreational activities to the promotion of student interests in the university.
Separate actors
Separate actors are organizations that TuKY has close cooperation with.
Subject organizations and clubs
Toimijaryhmät ovat Turun KY:n jäseniä palvelevia yhdistyksiä, jotka ovat saavuttaneet toimijaryhmä-statuksen täyttäessään Turun KY:n asettamat vaatimukset. Näille ryhmille Turun KY tarjoaa merkittäviä etuja toimintaa varten, kuten Parkin käyttöoikeuden sekä viestintäkanavat.
Group of representatives
TuKY has its own group of representatives, the TuKY-List, in the board of representatives of the Student Board of the University of Turku (TYY). The board of representatives wields the highest power in the Student Board. Our group of representatives sees to it that the voice of the members of TuKY is also heard in the the Student Board of the University of Turku.
Representatives in other bodies
TuKY has numerous representatives in various different bodies, such as in the board of the Turku School of Economics, the different wings of TYY and in the chairman network of the Finnish Masters of Business Administration Union. Cooperation with these bodies is one of the most important parts of the operations of TuKY.
Members of TuKY in the Student Board of the University of Turku
On this page you can find a list of the members of TuKY that have been selected for different positions of import by the board of representatives of the Student Board of the University of Turku. TuKY-List represents the members of TuKY in the board of representatives. If you are willing to apply for different positions of import in TYY, contact TuKY-List via email at tuky-lista@tuky.fi.
Miika Tiainen
Student representative at the TSE Board
Tuulia Kuusinen
TYY Financial Committee
Jesse Huovinen
Tiina Mänty
Environmental Wing
Susanna Lemström
Accessability Wing
Susanna Lemström
Internationality Wing
Valma Kuuslampi
Selection Committee
Juuso Makkonen
Ann-Sofie Leimu
Board of the Student Magazine of Turku
Lauri Liljenbäck
Financial Committee
The Financial Commitee acts as an advising body in matters related to the finances of the association. Responsibilities of the board of finance include preparing the budget, monitoring the actual finances of the finances, giving recommendations related to investments and ownership direction in the association-owned company. The chairman of the board of finance is elected in the Fall assembly for a two-year term. In addition to the chairman, the board has 6-9 members, who can be students or alumni. The board has approximately 5 meetings per year and it recruits members as needed.
Additional information:
Chairman of the Financial Commitee
Lauri Toivola
Parkki Group
The mysterious Parkki Group is responsible for maintaining the private clubhouse of TuKY, Parkki. The Parkki Group oversees the cleanliness of Parkki, develops its spaces and trains users. The Parkki Group is headed by the Property Manager.
The Parkki Group can be reached via email at ky-parkkiryhma@utu.fi. In the case of an emergency, a member of the Parkki Group can be reached at 040 768 0885.
Additional information:
Property Manager
Leevi Vesanen
Profea Oy is multi-field enterprise wholly owned by The Association of Economics Students in Turku.
Profea (former KY-Dealing) was founded by students of the Turku School of Economics in 1989. During its long history the company has grown, developed and went through fusions. The goal of the new look of the company is to shape Profea into a supporting umbrella organization for all parts of its business. Profea wants to give its support to the broad operations of TuKY and promote a higher quality of student life for all.
The mission of our company is a better student life – in all its forms.
Contact Profea:
Profea Oy
Opiskelijankaupunki.fi is a broad service for students that includes the menus of all student restaurants in Turku, different events, benefits, housing etc.
The Pääsykoekirjat.fi-site provides the study material for entrance exams for all lines of study, at a cheap price and with a fast delivery! All books enter our selection as soon as they are released.
Valmennusakatemia organizes preparatory courses for students applying to study business and administration. Valmennusakatemia has long traditions and courses have been organized for more than 20 years.
Courses are currently being organized in Turku and during its long history, Valmennusakatemia has trained hundreds of applicants to succesfully reach their goal. We combine expertise with the latest information and years of experience. For more information, visit www.valmennusakatemia.fi
Verkkoakatemia has organised online courses since 2008. Thanks to annual feedback we have managed to create the best possibilities for distance studying for our course attendees. The varied and high-quality educational videos, summaries and quizzes of Verkkoakatemia, coupled with the help of teachers, help the applicant prepare for the entrance exams regardless of time or place. For more information, visit www.verkkoakatemia.com
Wanha Narikka
The bookstore Wanha Narikka offers varied services to the faculties and student associations of both the University of Turku and the Turku School of Economics. We constantly strive to develop our range of services to better fit the needs of the the University of Turku, the Turku School of Economics and their students. The basis for the development of our services are the requests and needs of both the University and its students, so we hope to receive as much feedback as possible from our customers.