mennessä Kristian Raitio | huhti 8, 2015 | English, Kaikki Blogit, TuKY-blogi
Vappu, the wonderland of every student in Finland! If you are a first year bunny or perhaps an exchange student about to celebrate your first student vappu, you are most likely about to experience something epic that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. That is...
mennessä Kristian Raitio | marras 20, 2014 | Jaostot ja toimijaryhmät, Kaikki Blogit
Ensimmäiset hallitustenvaihdokset käynnistyvät tällä viikolla. HALVA-hypetyksen kiihtyessä monella varmasti käy mielessä niinkin hullu ajatus kuin oma ehdolle asettuminen. Mielessä pyörii lukuisia kysymyksiä. Mitä annettavaa hallituskokemuksella on minulle? Oppisinko...
mennessä Kristian Raitio | heinä 11, 2014 | Jaostot ja toimijaryhmät, Kaikki Blogit
I was looking for summer jobs in Turku when I ran into a job offer of an online marketing internship in a company called CupoNation, located in Munich. I had never heard of this company nor considered spending this summer abroad. However, the description of the job...
mennessä Kristian Raitio | kesä 3, 2014 | Jaostot ja toimijaryhmät, Kaikki Blogit
Hello everyone! I’m Santeri Kangas, an IB-student in TSE. I have studied IB since 2012 and I have been a member of the student association of international business (KKOY) for one year. Now it’s my turn to write something to our ”CIA TuKY in 2014” blog and...
mennessä Kristian Raitio | touko 20, 2014 | Jaostot ja toimijaryhmät, Kaikki Blogit
My exchange here in Peru started pretty smoothly. The University of Lima had arranged a taxi driver for me from the airport to my new home in Miraflores. I live in a house with 12 other people but I’m the only exchange student while others are working, doing research,...
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