Jazzing it up
”On the third week of July Pori comes alive. The streets usually so empty, besides the occasional hen party and fist fight, fill up with people coming to either listen to the speakers at Suomi Areena or to experience the magic that is the Pori Jazz festival.
Notable people spotted in Pori during Suomi Areena this year included Juha Sipilä, Timo Soini, Riku Hietarinta and even Anneli Auer came back to her murder scene/ home town this year to join the discussions along with every Finnish politician you can name.
Every year since 1966 Pori has been the host for the Pori Jazz Festival. What started as a moderate event for passionate hobbyists has evolved over the years into one of the largest Jazz events worldwide. With a promise of good music (mostly not Jazz though), good weather (rain makes everything more atmospheric) and good company the festival draws more than 50 000 people every year.
The main concerts take place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This year Friday was the day of the promised rain. Despite the weather over 13000 people arrived with a ticket to listen to Joss Stone, John Newman and Lauryn Hill singing in the rain, or atleast trying to. John Newman experienced so many technical difficulties it was hard to determine whether it was truly the fault of the rain or whether he was experiencing karmic revenge for wearing white pants tighter than a teenage girls.
White pants, I must add, that could be seen from where I was sitting from the other side of the fence with about five other cheap-ass music fans who didn’t want to spend money on a ticket and about 15 cheap-ass drinkers who picnicked in the rain with wine boxes drinking away the price of a ticket. So with my wine box at hand I listened to Newman sing ‘Love me again’ and ‘Not giving in’ (to name a few) in pants that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. By the time Ms. Lauryn Hill started to perform the rain had mostly stopped and the queen of soul could begin to wrap up the concerts of the day protected by a rather fetching see-through disposable rain coat .
Overall the day was wet but no worse off for it. The people who braved the weather truly made lasting memories of that day and will hopefully remember the resiliently happy atmosphere of the crowd for years to come.
Anni H. / Treasurer ’16”
(kuvitus www.soundi.fi)
OBS! Pupufestarien eventti on julkaistu Facebookissa – mikäli kiinnostuit toiminnastamme, löytyvät tapahtuman speksit alta sekä osoitteen https://www.facebook.com/events/650353598454608/ takaa 😉
Kauppatieteiden ylioppilaiden soitannallinen seura KYSS elää ja hengittää musiikkia kaikessa toiminnassaan aina Jallukaraokesta Rocksitseihin. Vuosia kestäneen show’n täytyy luonnollisesti saada jatkua, ja näin ollen KYSS tarjoaakin uusille luppakorville ainutlaatuisen mahdollisuuden fiilistellä jo taakse jäänyttä festarikesää 2016. Näissä bakkanaaleissa eivät esiinny festivaalien vakiotanssittajat Cheek, Sanni ja JVG (eikä joka toisen vastaantulijan kaulasta ole bongattavissa Weekendin katukuvalle ah-niin-ominaista lei-seppelettä), vaan luvassa on jopa Parkin mittakaavassakin ennennäkemätöntä festariräiskettä!
Olivat juttusi sitten räjäyttävät kitarasoolot, sanoinkuvaamaton mutta käsin koske…teltava festaritunnelma tai musiikki ylipäätään, toivotamme sinut tervetulleeksi Pupufestareille Parkille keskiviikkona 28.9. Illan aikana KYSS lupaa marssittaa lavalle mm. taiturimaisen livebändin luoden autenttisen festarikokemuksen aina asiaankuuluvista ruoka- ja juomatarjoiluista lähtien.
MITÄ? Pupufestarit
MISSÄ? Parkilla (Parkinkatu 6)
MILLOIN? Keskiviikkona 28.9. klo 18 alkaen
Music Association of Economics Students in Turku (KYSS) lives and breathes music in all its actions. The year-long show must naturally go on, and therefore KYSS has decided to offer you, the new bunnies a one of a kind opportunity to experience the festival summer 2016 one more time!
You are welcome to join us whether you enjoy mind-blowing guitar solos, indescribable but tangible festival atmosphere or simply music itself. We’ll be celebrating at Parkki on Wednesday the 28th of September, and during the night you’re about to witness a talented live band creating an authentic festival feeling with some suitable food and drinks for supper as well.
WHAT? Bunny Festivals
WHERE? @ Parkki (Parkinkatu 6)
WHEN? On Wednesday 28.9. cl 18 onwards
HOW MUCH? Free!”
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